Oops! Have you just landed after flying with one of these airlines?
… or maybe another?
We’re Bluebox – we designed the wireless streaming system you connected to onboard your flight.
We hope you enjoyed using our Blueview platform on board – whether that was to buy a coffee, watch a movie, or track your flight on a moving map. Now you’re on the ground and connected to the Internet you’re not connected to the system, so you won’t be able to access the content on your device – that’s why your browser redirected you here.
At Bluebox, we’re always looking for ways to make Blueview even better. So, while you’re here, we’d appreciate any feedback you have for us – it’s an opportunity for us to learn and improve … or just give our team some recognition for a job well done if our platform helped make your journey a pleasant one.
For the technically-curious … Blueview (what you saw) was served to your device from our Bluebox Wow wireless network platform (stored in an overhead locker). We designed the system, and integrated the services, feature set and content which was all selected by the airline. So we don’t pick the movies, but we make sure you can play them on your device.
We’re not planning on sharing your feedback with the airline, but if you’d really like us to, then you’ll need to tell us which airline, the flight # and the date you flew – use one of the feedback boxes below, and we’ll pass it on. Please note – if you experienced a technical fault, we’ll need your email address to request other details, such as what kind of device you were using, so that we can try and replicate and resolve the issue. But if you already reported it to the airline, we’re probably already working on it.