Earn, entertain and engage
with Blueview.
Blueview delivers innovative digital services and rich content to passengers on their own devices. At the same time it can generate additional ancillary revenue and create a wealth of exciting new opportunities.
The power of Blueview is in what it gives you. The three Es of Earn, Entertain and Engage.
Put them all together and they release the true potential of the inflight digital experience.
Good things come in thrEEEs.
Earn, entertain and engage with Blueview.
Innovative solutions out of the blue.
Digital passenger experiences with flexible hardware delivery.
About us
The brainboxes behind Bluebox.
The teams behind your screens.
Customers & Partners
Our community, flying in close formation.
Collaborating with customers and partners.
The Press Box.
Bluebox has been hitting the headlines since day one.
Read all about it here.
Find out more
Read all about it here.